My Persons

Yesterday was a fun day filled with laughter, friends, dogs and food. Without a doubt, my favorite 4 things in life. I am considering some kind of support prosthesis for my face. The amount of muscles I worked out in my cheeks, jaw, lips etc. is out of control. I had three, yes three incidents this weekend where I laughed until tears flowed. I am not kidding when I say these muscles are sore. What a wonderful feeling.

Without hesitation I continuously take moments to stop and look around and appreciate what I have. Last night I went outside to look for a missing individual when I found something that broke my heart. It was a 23 year old woman with a little Chiweanie. Both were in good health but she calmly explained to me that her boyfriend dumped her and the dog on the side of the road and that is how she ended up sitting on the curb in front of my car.

Remember, I still had an issue of a missing person so I walked in and got one of my closest friends to come out and question the stranded girl as I searched for the drunken one. I remember prioritizing the situation and telling the girl I will deal with her after I corral the missing. I mean hell, she was stranded and obviously not going anywhere. Once the stumbling drunkards were put back in the playpen I went back out to the interrogation of the girl and dog.

As my good friend put it, “Where are your people child?” The fucktard who dropped her on the side of the road took her wallet and phone of course. Understandingly so, she only remembers a few phone numbers in her head. I can relate but as I thought about it further any one of the numbers I know by heart I would have a situation like that remedied. I wanted to take her dog and drop her at a rehab center. You could see the agony of addiction in her face. My heart was breaking but more for the dog. At any given moment she could walk in the other direction but that cute little canine, damnit, now I am picturing his little face. Damn, damn, damn….

Long story short, my fellow sober friend who helped me chase down the intoxicated took her to the apartments where fucknut lives. I am still bothered even after a good night’s rest. This will shock no – one but of course the situation reminded me of how lucky I am to have “my people.” I don’t want to be annoying and thank everyone in my life in this blog but I am going to tell my “persons” each in different ways, how incredibly fortunate I am to have them.

As far as the girl, I can only hope and wish and send it to the Universe that she makes the choice to stop living a life such as that. I will also randomly drive by that apartment complex because it is down the street from one of my places of employment and hope I see her. I simply want to give her my number in the event she can’t take care of that dog. I will find him a home. She needs to know if she chooses to get sober and step in the right direction I will make sure that dog is waiting for her when she is ready. I already wrote the note and put it in my wallet in the event I see her walking down the road. That is all I know today.

Peace out suckas and if you are one of my “persons” reading this, I am positive you already know how incredibly thankful I am to have you in my world and heart. I love you all! Now go tell your people how fantastic it is to be loved.

A little extra input today: Japanese quote: 雨降って地固まる (ame futte chi katamaru) Literally: after the rain, earth hardens
This means: Adversity builds character./After a storm, things will stand on more solid ground than they did before.

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I love life!

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